At Sonas Atwell Children’s Week, we continue to celebrate the rights of all children to choose their own friends and safely connect with others. In addition, recognising the talents and skills achievements of all children.
During the room’s morning meeting the children decided to create their own Sonas memory box to celebrate Children’s week 2020. The reason for this was so that they reflected and collected their happy moments from past, present and possibly futures days. Together with the educators the children enjoyed filtering through past learning experiences and selected a few special photos of their favourite memories shared with their friends and educators. Some children decided to go on a nature walk in their playground with their friends to collect treasures to place in the box. A few children selected toys, special ornaments and family photos. While placing their special object in the box they explained why the objects and experiences brought upon them happiness.
Some children decided to share and express their happiness through a messy paint experience, using a range of natural material. Together they created beautiful pieces of artwork, as well as, decorate their memory box. The memory box encouraged the children to share their treasures with their friends, confidently express their feeling in a safe learning environment and celebrate each other’s talents.