The children of Sonas Midland have been intrigued by the Commonwealth Games that have recently been televised in our homes and published in the media. 

We have been monitoring the events that have been occurring looking at newspaper and magazine articles, sharing in the triumphs of the athletes and our country.

We were so inspired that we have been training for our own “Friendly Games” where we have been participating in egg and spoon races, running races, long jump, tunnel ball, discus with hula hoops, bike riding and soccer.

To reward our achievements, we have made our own medallions from recycled loose parts so we can all be presented with a medallion of sportsmanship.

We have had an amazing time participating in these events where we learned to be fair and competitive, to encourage our peers, to take turns and support one another, cheering proudly and clapping for one another’s efforts.  

Physical fitness and being outside in the fresh air is great for our wellbeing, both physically and mentally, building our attention and memory and developing strong muscles.

Some of us are very keen to hopefully one day participate in the Commonwealth Games, potentially representing our country in the Olympic Games.