Last week we found a stink by walking along the floor.

We placed the stink bug into the container, then we walked over onto the grass, everyone gathered around to look at the stink bug and identified the stink bug had six legs as we counted each one individually, we also discovered the body looked like a leaf.

The educators then asked the children if they could see the two little things that were on his head. The children were unsure so the educators explained to the children they were called antennas.

A couple of children were brave enough to hold the stink bug as it crawled up their hand. Some of the children were uncomfortable holding the stink bug, so they used a stick to transfer the stink bug from their friends hands until the stink bug started to move closer to their hands and quickly would drop the stink bug, so we rescued him a couple of times.

Once we were finished looking at the stink bug, we walked them over to a tree and released him on one of the branches so he could rub free. We said goodbye as we couldn’t see him any more, we wondered what adventures he’s in for.

In this spontaneous experience the children were enriched in their natural learning outdoor environment, they made new discoveries and accepted new challenges.

This is demonstrated as the children made new discoveries exploring their natural environment by the children accepting new challenges as they held the stink bug even with some hesitance. Some put their hesitance aside and held the stink bug or tried to touch the stink bug whilst someone else was holding the stink bug if they didn’t feel comfortable holding him.

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