Objective: Child demonstrates gross motor manipulation skills.

Today at our outdoor area, we sat on the beanbags and played a board games called Snakes and Ladders.

Before we play, Charina asked the children if they have seen a snake? One child said he has seen a snake before! Another said she saw a snake at Daycare when it was our Christmas party. Another said she touched the snake before and was very proud of herself. She said that the snake is soft to touch. Charina then asked the children where can we find a ladder or steps here in daycare? Everyone pointed to the sandpit and shouted there’s the ladder! Charina asked them, what is the use of the ladder or why do we need a ladder? One child said to go up and slide and another child said we can also use it to go down.

Charina then asked the children if they played Snakes and Ladders game at home and no one seem to played it at home. Charina told the children the mechanics of the game and they are all excited to try playing the game especially rolling the dice! The children take turns and waited patiently for their turn. Since most of them haven’t played this game, we just use one counter to move. When they roll the dice, everyone will count how many dots are on the dice and the player who rolled the dice will move the counter.

The children had so much fun playing Snakes and Ladders and we will definitely play this game again tomorrow! 😊