During the morning period, the children were asked if they would like to help the educators set up the outdoor toys in the garden.

The children seemed happy to be able to help set the toys up as they shouted “me” and quickly followed me with smiles.

The children collected toys from the garden shed and transported them to the main garden area. Once we had retrieved the toys, I asked the children, Where does each type of toy go?

We discuss why they should be placed here, such as buckets and scoops should be placed in the sand pit so that the children can scoop, dig, and fill with them. The balls belong on the grass so that we can kick, throw, and chase the balls easily without hurting ourselves or others, and the brooms and bikes belong on the pavement pathway as it is hard and smooth, which makes it easier to ride than on the grass or sand, which is soft and uneven, as well as the brooms are used to sweep the pavement clean and clear.

This afternoon’s experience focuses on developing the children’s care of their environment through practical life skills as well as sorting and classifying a variety of outdoor toys.