Christmas is coming and Sonas Huntingdale children are SO excited!! Our friends have brought some special stories in from home to share with us about Christmas. This sparked discussions about what is special to us about Christmas – Christmas trees, reindeers, Santa and our big question was … “What is snow like?”
We could see lots of pictures of snow in the story books, but we haven’t experienced it before. Lauren talked about her home in Ireland and how at Christmas time it snows. and it is cold and fluffy. We made our own snow to play with using shaved coconut and we added some festive colours to play with also. We added this to our Christmas themed sensory tray. The children helped collect some branches from the garden to add to the tray to create Christmas trees.
We had so much fun as we talked about what we felt between our fingers, what our noses could smell and how our imaginations took us on adventures through the snow and trees.