We were so excited to start our weekly excursion to our local IGA to buy our weekly fruit.

First, we put our vests on, made sure we were sun smart with hats and sunscreen, got to have a buddy to hold hands and off we went. 

Some of our friends got to sit in the pram and be pushed while some of us got to walk around our community. Stop at the road, what do we need to do, Laura would ask. Look both ways for cars! That is right so we all looked left, and we all looked right while Hannah stood in the middle of the road to stop any traffic if any cars came. 

On our way to IGA we explored the different Nature objects around us and listened to all the birds tweeting and even heard some dogs woofing as they heard us walk along the footpaths. 

While at IGA we got to look at all the different fruits and vegetables. We picked up some plums, blueberries, oranges, apples and put them in our basket and took them to the check out.  We had fun giving the lady at the cash register each item for us to pay. Then the nature walk began, we walked back to the centre talking about the different nature objects and the things we had seen in at IGA 

We can’t wait to do our weekly fruit shop again. Do you like going shopping?

Come and join us!