After a recent fishing expedition in our Garden, the children decided that they would like to have their very own crocodile in the Garden.

And so, from this “Our Croc Infested Waters Project” has begun. The children have been in the STEM and our Art studio, researching information about crocodiles, becoming aware of their features, characteristics, and habitat. 

The children collaborated with one another and drew a plan of what the crocodile would like and any distinguishing features, “a large tummy, a really big mouth with razor sharp teeth, scales like a dinosaur and big claws”.

The children discussed what materials they were going to use to build and construct their crocodile.

They decided to use recycled boxes, cardboard, paper bags, newspaper, and masking tape.

They commenced their project by using papier Mache as their chosen method of creativity.  It allows them to sculpt, mold and manipulate the materials to form and create a desired look. 

Each day in the Arts, the children continue to add more and more layers of papier Mache until they have reached their desired effect.