After learning about plant anatomy this past week, the children asked if they could discover what might be living in the garden. 

We began by talking about how we don’t touch bugs that we don’t know.  Then we decided to get out some of our toy bugs from the discovery room that are safe for us to touch. 

The educator asked the children to close their eyes and count to twenty as they were hidden amongst the plants in the garden. The group then set off to look for the bugs. They very carefully walked around and used the magnifying glasses to look through the foliage. 

Some of the children balanced as they walked around the sandpit and discovered a big spider. We noticed that the spiders had eight legs!  Again, we spoke about how we never touch a spider that is real. 

Next the duo found a stick insect! These live-in trees and had six legs! The children continued to walk around the garden together, developing their friendship as they looked for more hiding bugs. 

Our garden adventure was full of learning opportunities as we practiced counting, balancing, exploring, asking questions, and analysing verbal information.