In the steam room today at Baldivis North the children continued their vibrant journey into the world of colours.

Kyesha settled in with them, eager to guide their exploration. She opened up the colour book, its pages filled with captivating illustrations and engaging activities. After delving into the rich shades of purple yesterday, today’s focus shifted to the calming and versatile colour blue.

As Kyesha flipped to the page dedicated to blue, she encouraged the children to share what they thought of when they saw the colour. Some mentioned the sky on a clear day, while others brought up the ocean.

With their imaginations ignited, the children began to discuss their favourite blue objects and experiences. Some recalled their favourite toys, while others mentioned the blue jeans they wore or the blueberries they enjoyed as a snack.

Beck then led them in a fun activity where they created their own blue artworks, using various materials to express their understanding of the colour.

This exploration not only deepened their knowledge of blue but also fostered creativity and collaboration among the children.