This week marked the beginning of Baldivis North’s cultural experiences & learnings.
We have been learning about the Wadjuk Land & Noongar peoples through stories & music.
Using chalk, our educator Erin asked the children to help create stories through art around our yarning circle. We talked and discussed what each child wanted to draw and helped each other try to create something that symbolises each personality.
The children drew on the fence and when they sat as a group talking about what they drew this is how their story went:
A monster was chasing the children in the rain, so they got into monster trucks and drove really fast. The children created this story together as a team and were very proud of the results.
We listened to Noongar music whilst creating their story and that invoked conversations of what musical instruments were being used.
We will continue teaching the children daily on our first nations peoples and the importance of looking after the land in which we live.