Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at the journey of a seedling and how it grows.

It started as we have been encouraging the children with assistance in watering the herbs and the grass with the hoses and buckets. Some of the children have been asking, “Why do they need water?”  This was a prime time to show the children how to grow plants. So our educators brought in some seeds to plant, and with the help of some of the children, they began the process with seed germination. The seeds will sit in the shed (a warm, dark area) for a week, and we will have a look at them in 7 days.

Gardening is educational and develops new skills, including responsibility, from caring for plants. Understanding: as they learn about cause and effect (for example, plants die without water and weeds compete with plants), Self-confidence comes from achieving their goals and enjoying the food they have grown.