The educators and children decided that it was time to clean out the vegetable garden and remove the older plants so that we can plant new seeds. As we were clearing, some of the children saw snails and begged educators to create a home for them so that they could be collected.
The educators and children conversed about how we could create a new home and what they would like in their space. We collected dirt, water and leaves to create their new home.
Educators and children held discussions on how the snails need water to wake them up in the morning much like our mummies need coffee to wake up.
Some of our snails did not like being in their new home so the children relocated them around the garden.
Once we had set up their new environment the children wanted to hold the snails, so we carefully took them outside and gently handed some of the snails out. As the children were holding them, they laughed at the tickling sensation, texture of the snail and the slimy trail that it left behind as it moved over their hands.
One of the children noticed an old snail with a cracked shell. Children and educators used this as an opportunity to talk about how fragile the shells are and how they reform to protect the snails as they grow.
All the children wanted to hold snail races to see which was the fastest. The children hypothesized about how the bigger snail would move faster than the smaller snails. As they raced the children become excited and squealed with excitement and cheered their own snails on to win the race.
Children and educators collaborated on a routine to ensure that we can take extra special care of our snail family.
The children asked if they could take the snails home, but the educators said that if we separate them it might make the other snails upset to not be with their family in their new home.