Childcare Wattle Grove

Monday to Friday 6:30am to 6pm

13 / 332 Hale Rd, Wattle Grove WA 6107

Our staff at Sonas love to spend quality time with your children. They are experts at breaking down the barriers the children may have through anxiety of being in a new environment and they love to engage with the children in a happy, caring and supportive environment.

Some proud moments our staff would like to share with you…

Why we work in childcare…

Our Sonas People…

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feather boa
Sonas Wattle Grove – Colour Creation 
This week has been all about the colour orange. Our children have been learning how...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Safety Team 
This week, we spotlighted our top 5 safety team member, always ready to listen and...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Risking on Purpose 
Time spent learning about how to use risky play to advance our fun, learning, and...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Let’s Get Physical 
What better way to start each day than with some physical activity. The children and...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Book Week 
This week we have entered the magical world of books, where our imagination flourishes and...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Colour Mixing 
As part of our Chrysalis program, we began exploring colour mixing. This week our children...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Messy Is Fun 
This week we have been creating memories with the children through messy play. You know...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Messy Play 
Kids diving into a messy sensory play-boosting social skills as they explore oobleck together!
Sonas Wattle Grove – Vacation Care fun 
Our schoolies had a wonderful vacation care and their highlight was the Perth Zoo. There...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Taking Care of our Babies 
This week, our educators have supported children to build upon their emotional wellbeing by supporting...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Colour Matching 
This morning, we gathered in our STEAM studio to participate in an experience of colour...
Sonas Wattle Grove – Story Time 
As part of our morning routine, we begin with a story mat session to support...

Family day care Wattle Grove – what is the Sonas difference?

Where children’s play has no boundaries

At Sonas child care Wattle Grove we are continuously reflecting upon our practices to ensure you and your children are receiving the highest quality care in line with our service philosophy, the National Quality Framework and research on current practice from recognised guidelines.

Sonas Learning Studios

Sonas Learning Studios underpins our approach and allows children to engage, explore, learn, and further develop their skills and abilities in open-ended learning environments.

Our ultimate aim is treasuring and protecting the childhood experiences of our most precious little ones.

Welcome to the Nest

This is where our littlest people will be.

As babies are developing some skills for the first time, having a safe space to do so is important. This is to ensure they are safe and are provided with all the care requirements that our babies need on a day-to-day basis.

The babies are still able to explore the other studios around the service to gain experience and engage with the older children, including sharing meals with our older children in our family room.

Children’s transition from the nest to the larger Sonas Family Group is ultimately dependent on each child’s social and emotional readiness as well as the achievement of key motor skills.

They graduate to the larger group only when they show signs of being developmentally ready for this move.

An indicative age is anywhere between 15 to 18 months, but could be earlier, or later, depending on each child’s journey.

Welcome to the ZEN

Who doesn’t need a space for R&R?

In the Zen studio children can come and engage in quiet play, exploring a range of independent experiences from puzzles, sand trays, reading and so much more.

The Zen studio will also be used as our sleep and rest space and incorporate yoga and mindfulness activities.

Welcome to the STEM Studio

This is where children will be discovering and learning through experiences that focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematical concepts.

All experiences will be designed to cater to the needs, interests, and abilities of all children.

It is like our little version of Sci-Tech!!!

Welcome to the Arts Studio

The Arts studio is where children will be able to explore and develop their creative side through all types of the arts such as visual, dramatic, and expressive arts.

This is a space for your child to explore their inner actor, artist, singer and much more.

Welcome to the Garden

All children love being outdoors.

Our garden is not only space for children to engage in outdoor physical play but also includes elements of all other studios as we believe the outdoor environment adds another layer to learning.

Welcome to the Family Room

Like in any home the Family Room is like the heartbeat of it all.

This is where children will gather for meals, store their belongings and engage in our ‘Kids in the Kitchen’ program.

In the family room we encourage, teach, and facilitate children’s acquisition of their independence and self-help skills, fostering their confidence and self-esteem.

In this space we create opportunities for children to engage in meaningful mealtimes with children of all ages, learning important social skills and etiquette.

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings. 

– Hodding Carter

Enrolment Enquiry

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Enrolment Enquiry

Book a Tour

At Sonas we believe in a child’s community and by allowing the children to build relationships with children of other age groups we can introduce new skills that will support children as they grow and thrive.