In continuation with our learning about sounds, today we will be doing an experiment called Xylophone Sound Experiment.

In this experiment the children will be able to explore and change the pitch of music as they play and explore this sound activity.

We started the experiment by filling up the jars with different levels of water. Then the children put some drops of food colouring to make it colourful and and so we can see clearly the level of water in each jar. Next, Charina gently tap the jar with a stick and asked the children to listen to the music. Chelsey said the jar with lots of water which is blue has the loudest sound and the jar that has little water has soft sound which is the yellow jar.

Charina then explained to the children that the reason the jars make music is because of the sound waves when you tap the jar with the stick. The impact creates a vibration, or sound wave that travel through the water. When you change the amount of water in the container, you also change the sound waves! Different sound waves have different sounds. The less the sound wave travels the closer they are together and they sound higher. The more water, the longer it takes to complete the sound wave and the more spread out the waves look producing a lower sound.