Kids in the Kitchen is part of our weekly program for children at Sonas.

Every week the children can participate in different cooking activities. These can range from cutting fruit and vegetables to cooking banana muffins, scones, and scrolls.

Children can experience many aspects of cooking including hygiene before we cook, during and after. They experience using kitchen items safely. They use knives to cut, mashers to mash, measuring cups and scales to measure out our ingredients. The children also learn and develop an understanding of following a recipe.

There are a lot of benefits from cooking with children.

There is the opportunity of sensory exploration. Cooking can help learn and practise basic maths and build children language. While participating in our cooking activities it can help to build self confidence in the children.

While we are talking to the children about cooking and food we are able to also discuss healthy food and start to lay the foundation for children to make good food choices.

Cooking also helps children fine motor skills from using the equipment to rolling out the mixture. Cooking also introduces the children to science concepts. Cooking allows the children to develop life skills which is part of our Family Room Program. This includes getting the children to serve their meals and pour their drinks.