Tuesday 2nd 2022 of August the children got to learn all about healthy and not healthy eating. He spoke to the children about different kinds of vegetables and fruits, showed the children a variety of games and dances to keep them engaged throughout the session. 

Some things the children did: 

Picking Millie’s next meal
Millie is a very tired caterpillar who can’t stay awake longer than 10 seconds before she starts to fall asleep. This is all because of the food she is putting in her body.  All she eats is chocolates and lollies, so therefore she is feeling very sluggish. As soon as the children were able to pick her meals, (healthy choices) Millie was able to stay awake for the whole alphabet while the children sang with her. 

Dancing and singing
The children were up dancing and singing, getting their bodies moving as being active is healthy.

Colouring lunch box
At the end of the session the children all got a colouring sheet to colour. They had healthy foods and unhealthy foods and had to put them in the correct lunch box. 

The children had so much fun participating in this incursion!