At Sonas we believe in Reducing, Reusing, Recycling and Rethinking. So, with this in mind as we started to look towards our Christmas activities and how we could incorporate the 4 R’s into our curriculum around Christmas activities.

Together with the children we explored our environment and we discovered that each we get approximately 15 paper bags that our shopping is delivered in each week, and these were starting to build up. So, we brain stormed together and explore the internet for ideas about what we could do with all these bags. 

The children had some great ideas and have decide that they are going to make paper chains painted with Christmas colours of red, green, silver and gold. We are then going to use these to decorate our centre.

We are also going to make our Christmas present Bags to take home which we are going to fill with all the Christmas crafts and cooking we do leading up to Christmas and lastly the children are going to make their own Christmas wrapping paper.