Today we looked at the next letter in the alphabet which was the letter D.

The children all assisted in making the tray adding pieces of pasta and mixing the water paint into the pasta, rice and oats. They also helped by adding in and hiding images of things beginning with the letter D.

We spoke about the letter D and a few words starting with D like door. The children were then asked one at a time to find an image hidden in the tray. All of the children were able to find and image and identify what was on the images which were picture of doors, dog, donut dresses and more.

We also tried to locate these images within the building pointing at the doors.

Analysis of learning:
Turn taking
Identifying letters
Familiar objects

Learning Outcomes
Children are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning.
Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.
Children transfer knowledge from one setting to another.

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