Objective: Child asks questions, gathers information, and makes predictions.

In this fortnight of the Sonas Pre-Kindy Program, we are looking at identifying colours and experimenting with them!

Today, the children took turns helping to measure and pour in the different ingredients. This turned our playdough into a little experiment where I asked the children if we needed more flour or water for it to have the perfect dough consistency.

The children identified that we needed more flour when the dough stuck to our fingers. Once the dough had the perfect consistency, I asked the children if we should colour it. I asked them all about their favourite colours and what we should do with the dough. Lots of children said they loved rainbows, so we decided to add all the colours.

The children took turns hypothesizing what colour the dough would become. I mixed the dough, and the children watched with anticipation to see what colour it would create. We watched the colours mix, and the dough became green!