The children at Ashby engaged in a spontaneous emergency evacuation.

We quickly identified where to get the emergency evacuation bag, and then off we went, holding onto the rope together, ensuring we were all safe. This was all role played by the children.

After the activity, we opened the emergency bag and had a look at what we kept inside. The educator asked the children why they thought we needed these things? The children confidently said, “Water if we get thirsty,”  “Nappies if someone does a poo,” and “Sunscreen so we don’t get burned.” We discussed all the items and then decided to go have a look at all our bags to ensure they have everything in them that we need.

Intentional teaching through exploring what is around us and how we can use what we have to teach our children about safety in and around our environments. This will help the children make connections in the world they know and give them the knowledge they need to be prepared.