This morning we have came together outside to explore the experience of a lemonade stand!

Being that it’s quite hot, educators wanted to incorporate water play in a fun, exciting way that the children haven’t experience so far.

As we ventured around our centre to collect our cups, napkins and jugs we were not too far off of opening the stand up to our public but just had a few other things to grab before hand like leaves and flowers to use as mint in our lemonade.

We sat down in front of our stand before hand to talk about how we could run this new and exciting business of ours, what kind of questions would we ask and what prices we should charge for our beverages.

As we have found some old plastic coins and notes, we spoke about different sizes of our cups and what we could charge for them.


Small – $1
Medium – $2
Large – $3
Mint – 50¢

It was finally time to start selling Lemonade!

Starting with 2 peers behind the table, our children engaged in warm greetings/ interactions in asking each other “how are you today?”.

As Educator has asked about their manners, our peers have mentioned that this is what they hear when they go to the shops.

They then ask the customer what size they would like and ring them up their total.

Educator Tiana had assisted in money distribution when asked but our peers very quickly picked up the amount they needed to pay for their drinks by using  comprehensive skills to recognise over time the different sizes in coins and connect them to the sizes of the cups.

Educator Amelie joined in this experience by creating brain teasers for our little lemonade sellers by asking for change back in small amounts that our peers will understand.